Khan Asparuh's cup is handmade from solid brass gilded with 24 K gold.
One of the most amazing and greatest treasures of the Early Middle Ages found to date is the "Golden Treasure of Nad Saint Miklos".
The gold objects were discovered by the Bulgarians Christoph and Kiril Nako. They are not just gardeners, they have been tenants since 1760, and later in 1781, and owners of land between two cities. Enterprising Bulgarians even trade in cattle in Vienna. They are the founders of the local school. The two brothers handed over the found treasure to the Emperor of Austria-Hungary Joseph II, for which the monarch awarded them noble titles.
"With its 23 ornate gold vessels weighing almost 10 kg, the set is an undisputed masterpiece of early medieval art in Europe."
The Golden Treasure of Nad Saint-Miklos is the only treasure in the world whose origin has many scientific hypotheses and assumptions. Many scientists - Romanian, Hungarian, Russian and Bulgarian - are studying the treasure. The treasure is associated with Attila, but is considered a treasure of Khan Asparuh ... It is believed that this treasure belonged to the Bulgarian khans or the Bulgarian aristocracy from the time of the First Bulgarian State. Confirmation of these hypotheses is the reading of the proto-Bulgarian runic inscription on a cup by the Turkish Prof. T. Tekin, according to whom it says ‘Asparuh’s Drink Cup’. Khan Asparuh may have drunk from this vessel? One thing is for sure, the treasure is unique and has been admired for centuries.
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